Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Great Thanksgiving

during this break, my mom come to the US. First, we went to New York and went shopping there. The interesting things so that she ordered a hotel which is near the Time Square. As we know ISIS, my cousin heard we would live there and worried us. However, nothing happened then. Second day, I went to Princeton. My mom took me to see her friends. They are very nice. We went to one of her friends' house. She has a daughter who is born in America but she could speak Chinese. My mom doesn't speak English so her friend called her daughter to speak Chinese with us. I thought her daughter doesn't like speaking Chinese so I tried to chat with her in English. She gave me lots of book to see and played game with me on book. When we should go, she looks a little bit grieved. It made me have the sense of achievement. Then, we back to New York. My mom and her sister said they wanted to go shopping tomorrow but I felt tied so I said I would go to find my friends in New York. Accurately, I went to find my boyfriend. We had dinner together then I waited for my mom to 10 o'clock. At the next 2 days, we were in the LA. My cousin was there. She took us ate lots of good Japanese food and Korean BBQ. I thought I got fatter and fatter. Letter, we went to San Francisco with my cousin. She took two friends went there together. I never go shopping with them even if it was Black Friday, because I got sick and lie on the bed for two days. That's my great holiday. However, the regret is that I didn't eat Turkey at this Thanksgiving.

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