Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The poem "Mujer" by William Carlos Williams used black Persian cat as a metaphor to describe the unequal level between women and men.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Peer Review

I think this poem analysis is good that to use a lot of quotations which is in the poem. He connect the quotation with his paper. I think that make this analysis more interesting. Also, he write a lot about the meaning of the poem. In the analysis, he also added his own thinking in the poem. I think this is a good analysis because he uses his own words to explain what the meaning for every sentence in the poem. The words "I count the hours I think of you" appeared lots of times. He spends more time to explain this sentences and says the differences between these two times. In the analysis, he also adds some his own opinions to let people understand it more easy. This is a good start for the analysis I think. The hook “what is love?” is good for readers to make a interest in this analysis. If he just begin this essay, it will be very boring. Also, he doesn’t only explain the sentences, and also he write the meaning of the words. That people can understand the poem not only by the sentences, and also by the verbs and etc.
Although he write so many things about the meaning, he doesn’t spend too many time to explain the deep things in the poem. I think there will have more deep things, such as the background. Why the author wrote this poem? We don’t know the reasons by reading this analysis. I think he can add more like that. Also, I think explain the title will be better because sometimes, the title will have some meaning to the poem. In this analysis, he uses too much time on the meaning to the poem which is not the things that people really want to know. I think add some more experience can make the reader go with the analysis; that will give readers more ideas to understand this poem, even it’s not right at all. By the other side, this analysis is too boring that use too many words in the poem. I think the quote should be in the right place. When the readers read that, they can understand why the author write this sentences.
Another big problem in this analysis is the paragraph. There are only one paragraph through the whole essay. That makes readers hard to read. I think to separate the paragraph will be a better choice because people will know what are they read about in this paragraph. In my opinion, in the first paragraph, he should write something about the meaning in the poem; in the second paragraph, it’s better to write the deep thing, such as the meaning of the title, the background about this poem. If he write this poem for only one paragraph, it will be very messy for the readers to read.
In conclusion, I think this analysis is good to have the meaning for the whole poem. However, it’s better to have more deep thinking and to separate the paragraph.


We have drama on Friday and Saturday. Because I am a dancer in the first step, I only see the second part, and I already watched that for 3 times.
I was confused when I know we should have a show this week. It is very nervous when the show will began a week later. We spent the whole week to practice and make our dance to be better and better. I learnt this dance in only one week. In the beginning, because I was sick, I missed lots of part of the dance. I couldn't follow others. That made me very said. Then, I practice more and more time, I danced better and better. The only thing that is hard for me is the memorization. I should remember all the things in one week, and the couch wouldn't teach us as carefully as they did in the first time. However, I think I did week on the stage. I smiled and watch the audiences.
When the first step finished, we went to the auditorium to watched the drama. I think this drama is very interesting. Especially, the part for the girl called "Sam" and the boy "John". I like their singing; I like the action of Sam; I like the last part when Sam run after John. The girl is very brave that she can tell the person who she likes. This kind of musical made me very exciting that I want to know more and more, and watch more. I even took a video about this part for my friends to tell them how interesting is this drama. 
I think this drama is very interesting and exciting. I could hear the laughing during the whole show. The audiences are also very nice that they didn't just sit there and watch the show. They gave us the laugh and handclap. I think that was the best encouragement for the actors. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Analysis --- Mujer

A week a ago, I read a poem called Mujer. The poem "Mujer" by William Carlos Williams used black Persian cat as a metaphor to describe the unequal level between women and men. The title of this poem is the Spanish which means the women. In the poem, it writes about the cat. I think this poem is very interesting, so I memorized this poem and wanted to learn it more and more. The meaning of this poem is funny, but also, in the deep of the meaning, this poem is more mysterious. I think this author not only care about the equal between people and people, but also between people and animals.
In the poem the “black persian cat” is special, and it is the main points in the poem. Black Persian Cat is ominous. People will curse them unequally because they afraid they will give them unluck. Then, they “took you for rest”. I think they just kill this unlucky “black persian cat”; it just like “that old”. In my opinion, “Yankee farm” is the heaven. Even there are “so many field mice”, the cat still feel very lonely. In the end, “you return to us” because the retribution is coming. The “black persian cat” wanted someone come to stay with it. This poem has two stanza, and in the second stanza, there are only one sentence which repeats “Oh, black Persian cat.” In the first one, there is a exclamation mark in the end of this sentence. I think because in the beginning, the author wants to stand out the main character “black Persian cat”. Then, in the end, all the things become clam. Also, maybe in the beginning, the author want to explain the fear from people to the “black Persian cat”. However, in the end, the author pities the “black Persian cat”. Although it did not do anything, people cursed them unequally because they were afraid it. When I read this poem, I think it is very interesting and want to know more about it; a week later, I think I know some of the meaning in deeply.
By reading more and more time, I began to understand this poem. In the beginning, I said, “Mujer” is the Spanish which means “the women”. No one will write a title which is not connected with his poem. Therefore, the “black persian cat” is meaning the “women”. It is the metaphor in the poem. Also, “black persian cat” also mean the “woman”. The author want to talk about the curse of women in the ancient. As we know, in the ancient, people think women is lower than the man. Man can have education and work outside. The woman should stay in home and take care of the field. I think it is very unfair to the women because we both have the life from our parents, and we cannot choose our sex before we come to this world. That’s the reason to say, “Was not your life already cursed with offspring?” Because the women cannot choose their destiny, they are cursed when they was borned. “We took you for rest to that old.” It means they want woman listen to them, just stay in the home that is like “that old”. “Yankee farm” means they should work in the farm and cannot go outside. That’s why they feel “so lonely” no one stay with them; the only thing in the farm is “so many field mice”. If you are the women in in the farm by yourself and there are no one take care about you, what will you do? therefore , they “return to us”. I think this is the liberty of the women. By reading this poem deeply, I know find the author wants to talk about the unequal care about women and men. We can see the difference care for women before by this poem. I think that’s why the author write “Oh, Black Persian cat.” in the end again. He wants explain the social problem in the world. I think this is a good poem because no one can tell their voice at that time.
The whole poem is the metaphor which is talk about the “black persian cat”. The author both talk about the unfair of the women also about the black persian cat. I think that is really good because there are lots of unequal things in our life, between human and human and also between human and animal. I think the author wants tell people take care of everything equally. If you don’t do that, the retribution will come soon. When I knew the meaning about this poem, I began to think about my life. Should we separate the different level between the people? I think everyone should be the same.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Muier-William Carlos Williams

Oh, black Persian cat! 
Was not your life 
already cursed with offspring? 
We took you for rest to that old 
Yankee farm, — so lonely 
and with so many field mice 
in the long grass — 
and you return to us 
in this condition —! 

Oh, black Persian cat. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Fun poem

People paused
in the middle of doing whatever 
they are doing to stop and talk 
Just as they still pause
Talk to Pobby and Dingan
The opal in their dreams


Boarding school provides a safe environment 
students explore their independence 
learn to take responsibility 

Living on campus provides students 
the structure and adult guidance 
build build self-reliance and maturity 
serve them well in college and beyond.