Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Review of Musical

This Friday night, I went to see the musical, Once On This Island. Because I forgot to sign up before, I waited there for a long time. The good thing is I wa still able to get in. The musical is about 2 hours. Although is a very long musical, it is still very interesting at all. The whole musical included singing, dancing and drama, and they combined with each other to make it complete. I think this is a great musical I have never seen.
In the beginning of the musical, I thought it won’t be as good as this because no one is professional to do this, but when the people began to talk, I felt I went to a musical theater. They talked like what that happened on themselves; they act like what happened in front of my eyes. However, when little Ti Moune ran back and the mallow Ti moune came out, I felt so funny because they looked so different. Ti Moune is really good at action. When people were talking, she didn’t look like there’s nothing to do, and she still stood there and looked like seeing the scenery. As we know, when they talked, they will spend about 2-3 min, but Ti Moune just stood there and was not strange.
The musical is talking about the girl, Ti Moune’s love. She was saved by the Gods when she is a child, and two old man and woman took care of her. When she grew up, the began to think about her life. She wanted to begin her life. Although she had a happy family, she still wanted to be rich and married with the person she liked. She asked the god to give her a love. Then, she met with the prince. However, the prince, Daniel will die because of the traffic accident. Ti Moune wanted to save her. She stayed with Daniel all the time and wanted the god to save him. But this time she was not as lucky as before. The Gods said Daniel will die soon; Papa, the god of death will take off his life. Ti Moune could not accept that, she said Papa could take of her life. Next, Daniel and Ti Moune had a good time which Ti Moune have never have. She was so happy and though she will marry with Daniel. In addition, Daniel have already had the Fiancee, and she was a pretty and rich woman. She was sad when she knew Daniel fell in love with another girl, but she didn’t say that. She let Ti Moune dance in front of all the rich people. Ti Moune didn’t know how to dance like them. She just danced like before. Daniel thought they could not love with her any more because they didn’t stay in the same world. In the end, Papa came again, she gave Ti Moune a knife and let her kill Daniel. If she do that, she could save her life. However, she could not kill Daniel, who fell in love with her before.
Ti Moune died. This is such a sad story. However, I felt I am a person in the story, because the actor acted so well. If there are another musical like that, I will go again.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Writing Center

This Wednesday, I went to the writing center for my paper. Ms. Swift told me a lot about how to change my paper to be better. I have so many mistakes should be fixed. Also, there are some advice she gave me that made me think a lot. I think those are very useful for my paper because it really make me feel very interesting. However, because there were too many people there at that time, I could not get all of them.
First, she told me there are some grammar mistakes I had. I knew that because I have a really poor English. And when I wrote my paper, I could not find my mistakes because that’s what I wrote. That’s one of the reasons I went to writing center. On the other hand, Ms. Swift told me I should change my introduction a little. As a result, the summary should be before the thesis. Then the summary won’t be too strange for the people after the thesis. In my first draft, I wrote too much about the summary. In my opinion, I wanted to summary what happened in the book and also in the movie. However, it didn’t work because that’s so boring in the article. In addition, people won’t spend so many time to read the summary about the book and the movie. In my body paragraph, I should also summary the story that I want to have analysis for, so the summary before the body paragraph is unnecessary.
Second, she told me I should think deeper for what the author wanted to say. For example, the name of movie is Frozen. Why it’s called Frozen? Just because Elsa has the magic? She thinks that also because Elsa closed her heart to make her frozen herself. When she knew the love between the family by Anna, she became warmer and knew how to help the people. The similarity between Me And You and Frozen is this I think. Because they both closed their heart and didn’t trust anyone in the beginning; then, when they met their sisters, they became warmer. I think that’s a good point to write this paper. Also, I want to think more about the deeper ideas for my paper. It is a good advice; I think I will think about it and make my paper to be deeper. Summary is a such boring things in one article. That will make reader don’t want to read it. For this reason, I will change my paper a lot to make it interesting.
In conclusion, I think she is really good at helping students about the writing. She gave me a lot of advice that I think is useful. In addition, she told us a book that is for how to write a good paper. I didn’t read that, but she told me some advantages to write a good paper. For example is to think deeper about the event which happened in the story. I think I should go again before the final draft.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Reflection

Now, I am writing my second body paragraph. Because I changed a lot for my revised draft, I should spend more time to work on my final draft. For the revised draft, I deleted two of my paragraph which are about the summaries of the book and the movie. In the beginning, I just think I should talk about what happened in the book and movie. However, when I began to write my body paragraph, I found I can write about the summaries and analysis together in one paragraph. Also, if I write two paragraphs about the summary, that is too much summary in my paragraph. Therefore, after reading other’s paper, I began to think about how to change my paper to be more interesting and not make people like read the stories. Then, I did not spend too much time to change my grammar mistakes; I deleted two summary paragraphs and add two more body paragraph. Although I’ve already plan how to write this paper, I still did not finish writing it. I think I still should spend more to finish writing my paper. In addition, I think I should go over and over after finishing this paper, because I always very careless and make lots of mistakes such as the grammar. I know that’s very hard for me to fix my grammar and some sentence mistakes, for writing by me. The reason I cannot find the mistakes is I’ve done this paper, I don’t know the mistakes I have in the paper. I think it’s hard for a writer to find the mistakes she has, because if she knows that’s the mistake, she won’t write down that. For this reason, I think I can ask help from my teacher, also my classmates. By the other way, I think I should work on my body paragraph also. I went to the writing center,  the teacher told me I should work more about the connection of the sentence in the body paragraph. As a result, there are lots of sentences are hard to understand for others, I should do more about that. Also, there are some sentences are not belong to that paragraph. Ms. Swift told me I should work more about the deeper things for the movie and the book. In conclusion, I did not finish my paper, But I think I still should work a lot because there are lots of mistakes should I change.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite sentence

"There are lots of similarities between Elsa and Lorenzo that they both become more helpful and begin to trust each other in the end of the story because of their sisters who they don't have a good relationship with. " I like this sentence because this sentence tell the across the whole paper. I think this sentence is the most important sentence in the article, for the main topic I want o talk about. After this sentence, I can talk more about what I try to talk about the book and the movie.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Woke up on the bed and looked outside
New year was coming with the falling snow
My mind went back to the last year

My friends and I built a snowman
We skated on the ice and fought with snow
Laughing is distinct in that quite day

Stop pulling my leg
I laughed at myself
I just want to sleep all the day now


Vivian Xue
English II
Ms. Garino
There are lots of similarities between Elsa and Lorenzo that they both become more helpful and begin to trust each other in the end of the story because of their sisters who they don't have a good relationship with. The book, Me And You is about Lorenzo, a little boy who has some problems about the relationship with others. He lies to his mom he will go to the ski week, but he stays in the basement instead of going ski with his friends. However, he changed himself after spending the whole ski week with his half sister who went to the basement to look for the money for getting the drugs. The movie, Frozen has some very similar things; Elsa also don’t have a good relationships with her sister, Anna, before because of the magic of her. After she runs away from the castle, and Anna goes to find her, she knows what is the love between family and changes herself. First, they both became more helpful because of their sisters. Lorenzo wanted to help his mother when they got the accident. However, Lorenzo could not do anything that made him think he was useless. After meeting with Olivia, he wanted to help her. As we know, in the article, Lorenzo thinks Olivia has Malaria. Just like what the book said, “She has Malaria. Like Caravaggio.” After Lorenzo thinks that, he wants to help Olivia from the sickness. By this part, Lorenzo feels he is helpful. He thinks he saves a person who is his sister. Lorenzo changes a lot. The most important one is he becomes more helpful because we can see the big different between the beginning and the end. The movie Frozen has a very similar relationship between Anna and Elsa. In the movie, Elsa had the magic and she hurt Anna when they were both young who is her sister. That event made her felt so sorry to Anna. So she locked herself in her room and didn’t talk with anyone. After Anna went to find her when she ran away from the castle because the people find her magic and tried to kill her. She hurt Anna again and it’s really hart to let her recovery. Therefore, Elsa tries to save her. During the time she looking for they ways to save Anna, she knows what is love. That’s a such bad relationship between Anna and Elsa in the beginning of the story. Anna don’t remember anything because the Master let her forget anything even the magic of Elsa. Therefore, Anna is so confused why her sister doesn’t play with her anymore. That’s the reason why their relationship become worse. Lorenzo and Elsa both have a bad relationship with their family member, even if that because of different reasons; after have a time with their sisters, they try to help their family member. Second, in the beginning of the book and movie, Lorenzo and Elsa don’t trust anyone else beside themselves; however, after stay with their sisters, they begin to trust others. As we know, in the book, Lorenzo never tell others the truth which he is lying to others; such as he is a good person who has lots of friends and sometimes he will spend time with his friends and live in their home; such as he will go to the ski week with their friends instead of stay in the home or basement. In my opinion, he doesn’t tell the truth because he cannot trust anyone else. He thinks no one will stand with him and give him the support. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016


There are lots of similarities between Elsa and Lorenzo that they both become more helpful and begin to trust each other in the end of the story because of their sisters who they don't have a good relationship with.
Change 1 - helpless become helpful
Proof - Lorenzo wanted to help his mother when they got the accident. However, Lorenzo could not do anything that made him think he was so useless. After meeting with Olivia, he wanted to help her.
Elsa had the magic and she hurt Anna when they were both young who is her sister. That event made her felt so sorry to Anna. So she locked herself in her room and didn’t talk with anyone. After Anna went to find her. She hurt Anna again and tried lots of ways to save her.
Change 2 - Don’t trust anyone become trust others
Proof - Lorenzo had no friend before. After living with Olivia, he began to trust Olivia and they promised with each other.
Elsa could not believe anyone. When Anna went to find her, she felt the love from Anna and began to trust her.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


When Annie and Hallie knew the identities they are, they began to help and support each other by having the same goal that made their parents marry again.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Parent Trap

The Parent Trap is about the relationship between the twins. They were separated when they were born because their parents were broken. Nick is their father who is a wealthy wine grower. He owned a big field of grapes in Napa Volley. Elizabeth is their mother who is a wedding gown designer. She is very famous in London. Hallie was in Napa Volley with her father Nick. Annie was in London with her mother. Because they were indifferent country, their personalities are so different. Hallie was a very outgoing girl just like a boy. Annie was a gentlewoman and do everything very carefully.
In one summer, they went to the same summer trip. Because they didn’t know each other, and their parents also didn’t tell them about their sister, they didn’t know each other at the beginning. Even they were in the opposite side. They always made fun with each other. However, Hallie did a big trick for Annie but the teacher found that. She was so angry that she made they live in the same room. In the beginning, they didn’t want to talk with the other. They wouldn’t kink they would be the friends after a raining day.
They found one of them had the father, and one of them had the mother. They both had a broken picture about their parent that they’ve never seen before. They found their picture and gave it to the other to see. They were so surprised that they had the same parents. Then they wanted to see the parent they’ve never seen before. They began to teach each other how to do like the other. Also, they told the other about the life they have, the characteristics they have, the relationship between people.
But when Annie go to Napa Volley with her father, she found he would marry with another woman. Then, they talked with each other by telephone and planned how to make their parents remember each other again. Hallie told Elizabeth she is her another daughter. Their father, Nick, wanted to have a dinner with her in a restaurant. However, the truth was Nick didn’t know that. When they saw each other, they thought they wouldn’t go back anymore. Then, they get their daughters and live like before.
One time, they wanted to have a trip. At the beginning, they just had Nick, Elizabeth, Annie and Hallie. However, Elizabeth thought Meredith would be the member of their family so she let Meredith went with them. Annie and Hallie didn’t like her so they always did some trick on her. That makes Meredith very angry and said to Nick that he had to choose daughter or marriage. In the end, Nick chose his daughter.
Annie and Hallie thought their parents would go back but Elizabeth said Annie had to go back London with her. However, when they landed in the airport, they found Hallie and Nick had already waited there. Nick said he wanted began again. He wouldn’t leave anymore. The end is they married with each other again.

Parent Trap

Parent Trap
Main character: Annie and Hallie (Twins)
Character have connection with: Each other
Change: In the beginnings for the summer trip, they don't like each other even make fun with the other. That makes teacher let them live in the same room. After that, they find they are twins and they have the same parents. When they exchange their identify, they become more friendly and nice to each other.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Parent Trap
It is the movie about the twins. Their family broken and they've never known each other. However, they met by a summer trip. They didn't know they are twins at the beginning. They even didn't like each other and had lots of problems to be the friends. Then, they got trouble after making fun of each other. Teacher let them live in the same dorm. By this way, they became finding their identify because of the picture of their family. After summer trip, they exchanged their identify and wanted to see the parent they've never seen before. They tried to let their parents loved again and they are successful after lots of things.

Les Choristes
A Musician became a teacher after lots of fails. He went to a problem school and tried to make the students better. The students didn't like him at the beginning. But after he teached them to sing, they became the good friends in the end.

It is about the girl who has the magic. She didn't want her magic hurt others so she always hide in her room. However, she had to go outside and saw others. Then, people found she had magic and wanted to kill her because she made world frozen. After her younger sister came and told her about the love between family. She knew how to control the magic and became a good queen of the country.