Tuesday, January 5, 2016

my holiday

I spent whole holiday with my grandfather who just had a gastrointestinal surgery. Before that, he already had 2 other surgeries; one is for his leg; another one is for his head. Therefore, when I saw him, he was very weak and lie on the bed. I have never seen he is so old. Everytime I saw him, he seemed pushful and always laugh with us. I don’t know what made him became older. That made me very sad because he is the people who love me most except my parents.
Because my grandfather was in the hospital at the first week I was in China, I have to go to hospital to see him. I got up early and did everything that I needed to do. Than I go to the hospital. I have just a little time to have the rest. However, when I heard that my grandfather won’t be recovery, I still sad a lot. I don’t know how long will he alive, but I know the best thing I can do now is stay with him a lot.
The last day that I have to leave my home, my grandfather cried and said, took care of yourself. I could not forget the sound from him. It seemed sad and hopeless of his life. My mom told me, my grandfather afraid he won’t see me anymore because he also don’t know how long will him have in this world.

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