Friday, January 29, 2016

The End of Me And You

The End of Me And You
The end of this story is a bad ending that I never thought about that before. The story ended by Lorenzo visited the hotel which is Olivia lived. He find a letter that Olivia left for him to Thanks him about helping her at her worst time. However, Olivia died because of overdose. That made me so confused because she just promised to Lorenzo that she wouldn’t take drugs anymore. I thought she would back home and had the common life. The end made me felt so upset and pitiful for Olivia. As we know they promised to each other they would meet again in the end of the story. For the truth, they didn’t see each other until Olivia died. I just thought they would have a good relationship with each other.
In my opinion, they should have a happy ending that they both have a good relationship with others. By reading the book, we know Lorenzo had lots of problems. He didn’t have any friends before. He changed after meeting with Olivia. Olivia also had many problems. The similar they are was they both hate their father. Their father married with Olivia’s mother. Then he married with Lorenzo’s mother for some reasons, and he was broken with Olivia’s mother. Even he still gave money to Olivia’s mother, he could not be the father like others. I think that is the most important reason why Olivia and Lorenzo will like that. However, they both changed after meeting with each other. I thought they will have a new life after they left basement. I thought Lorenzo would have lots of friends because he knew how to help others. He wouldn’t be so lonely like before because he became more hopeful. He would go outside with his new friends. Maybe they would talk about Olivia. Then, they would do homework together in someone’s home. Maybe they would live in other’s room, but this time, Lorenzo doesn’t need to lie to his mom. Olivia won’t take drugs anymore because she promised to Lorenzo. She will back home and introduce her boyfriend to her mom. She would marry with her boyfriend and have a cut baby. She would go to find some job and become a normal person which she dreamed. Lorenzo and Olivia would still connect with each other. Maybe Lorenzo’s mother would accept Lorenzo play with Olivia and accept Olivia and her mother. They would have a wonderful life after they met in the basement. However, everything is different in the end. Olivia died because of overdose. She didn’t stop taking drugs. She just left a letter. This end is really surprised me.
I think this story talk us we should be nice to others and help people as we can. However, by the end of the story, I think the story tell us the life is so unexpected that we wouldn’t know the end before we have the end. That mains there are lots of different ways you can choose before ending. Because you wouldn’t know the end of your life, just try everything you wanted to do.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I think Lorenzo changed to be more perceptual by the end of the story. He began to take care of others and tried to help others. As we know, Lorenzo is a hopeless person with autism who just care about himself in the beginning of the story. However, he became more perceptual after he met Olivia. ‘I’ll take care of everything. You stay here, I’ll be back soon.’He said to Olivia when he went to find some medicine for her. By this quote we can find the difference between before and now. He won't go to find any medicine for a stranger and told her he will take care of everything, but he did now let Olivia don't be worried. I thought that was the change that he became like a human and tried to care and help others by what he could do.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Chapter 5-6

Vivian Xue
English II
Ms. Gurino
Chapter 5-6 is about the relationship between Olivia and Lorenzo. However, they have the same father but different mother. Olivia went back to the home. She also didn’t want her parents know she came back because she wanted to find a box which has some money in it, and she needed money. Therefore, she back after checking there’s no people in the home. When she back to the house, she remembered the box was in the basement. When she went to the basement, she saw Lorenzo who should go to the ski week. Then, she also wanted to stay in the basement, but Lorenzo didn’t want her stay with him.
At first, Lorenzo didn’t want to Olivia stay with him because he didn’t want to Olivia came in. He thought Olivia will tell his mom that he was live in the basement, and he didn’t go to the ski week. Also, the food in basement was not enough for them to eat. He didn’t want to share the room with Olivia because the room was so small. Therefore, he didn’t want to stay with Olivia in the basement.
Then, Olivia came second time. She knocked the window and wanted Lorenzo let her went into the basement. Lorenzo didn’t want her came in first, but Olivia said if he didn’t let her in, she will go upstair and told her mom and dad he didn’t go to the ski week and stay in the basement for a long time. He could not refuse because he could not let his mom know he was lying. Also, Olivia said she will just live in one day. Therefore, Lorenzo let her came in and live in the basement one day.
However, in the other day, Olivia didn’t want to go. Lorenzo was not happy about that, so he wanted to get his sister out of the basement. Then, they had the quarrel. During this time,  Lorenzo’s mom called him. He didn’t know how to answer her because he didn’t go to the ski week with his friends. So, she begged Olivia to act like Alessia’s mom. He said he would let her live in the basement with him and he will be the slave in his rest of the time. Then she answer his mom and said they are together during the ski week. After this, Lorenzo let Olivia live with him. Because Olivia helped him to lie with his mom, and she didn’t tell his mom he didn’t go to the ski week with his “friends”. In my opinion, I think because Lorenzo thought Olivia won’t say anything about him to his mom, he will let her live with him. In the evening, Lorenzo heard Olivia was groaning on the bed, so he put his headphone on. In the morning, Olivia went to the bathroom and vomit. Then, Lorenzo find some vaccinate in her bag which is about the Malaria.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

chapter 1 summary

Lorenzo is a 14-year-old boy who wanted to go skiing. His mother wanted to drive him to there but he didn't want his mother did that because he lied to his mother. Then, he went to a building by himself after have a quarrel with his mother, and stay there for the whole week alone.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

my holiday

I spent whole holiday with my grandfather who just had a gastrointestinal surgery. Before that, he already had 2 other surgeries; one is for his leg; another one is for his head. Therefore, when I saw him, he was very weak and lie on the bed. I have never seen he is so old. Everytime I saw him, he seemed pushful and always laugh with us. I don’t know what made him became older. That made me very sad because he is the people who love me most except my parents.
Because my grandfather was in the hospital at the first week I was in China, I have to go to hospital to see him. I got up early and did everything that I needed to do. Than I go to the hospital. I have just a little time to have the rest. However, when I heard that my grandfather won’t be recovery, I still sad a lot. I don’t know how long will he alive, but I know the best thing I can do now is stay with him a lot.
The last day that I have to leave my home, my grandfather cried and said, took care of yourself. I could not forget the sound from him. It seemed sad and hopeless of his life. My mom told me, my grandfather afraid he won’t see me anymore because he also don’t know how long will him have in this world.